Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If I could be someone I' be Kit

There are many people in the world but there is only one person that I want to be. He is Kristopher Orqueza. I want to be him because he is a good friend of mine and he has a good status in life. He is also very gifted in many ways.
Kit is my friend. He is very kind and helpful friend. He helps me in some lessons that I have hard time in understanding especially in math subjects. He is very intelligent also but sometimes he is crazy; I can’t talk to him properly. He has a good family his father is a pastor of Born Again and his mother is a Med Tech in the public hospital of Maragondon, Cavite. He has two brothers and their name is all same and only differs from the spelling and arrangement.
Kit is a good friend of mine so I want to be him. He is a very kind to his friends. He is somehow insane. He is very intelligent.

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