Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Father = Friend = LOVE = :)

 Our father is very important to us, even they are far from us they play a very important role in our life. Our father supports us in everything we are doing good, despite they are always scolding us it is for our own sake not to do bad things that will harm us or other people. Our father loves us even though they are not telling that to us, we can see it in their acts that they are doing for us.
My father is very important for me and my family, he is Joseph Peralta. He is very supportive to me and my two siblings; he is always talking to us and asks if our studies are alright. Even he is always scolding us I understand him he only wants the best for us. My father is always busy in our business but he still has time to us, to comfort us and asks us what our needs are.
                I call my father “TATAY” and sometimes I call him “PADIR” or “ERPATS”. My father is not only my father he is also my best friend. He always advice me in thing what to do and sometimes I tell some of my problems to him even he always making fun of it, but it is okay for me because even he is making fun of my problems he makes me laugh. He supports me in everything I do and in my studies he do his best in supporting my needs even he is too tired working still he is not giving up not until he gave us what we need.
                Let us show our love to our father while he is still in our side and guide us, maybe someday he will leave us and we regretted why we did not show and tell him how much we them and how special they are for us! Now start showing our father how we love them, and say sorry to them whatever you do to them giving them head ache and sometimes we hurt them.

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