Sunday, September 25, 2011

CNSHS Intramurals!

I think this event is the most awaited event of the students because they have the opportunity to play the sports they want with a corresponding grades from their teacher, many are also happy maybe because there is no classes and they can enjoy the whole day with their friends J. This event is expected to be enjoyable because this will be a competition for different levels.

                There are four teams in this intramurals; they are “Green Chevrolet”, “Yellow Lamborghini”, “RED FERRARI” and “Blue Porsche”. We Juniors are the “Red Ferrari”. Students are divided to different sports where they want to join, however I join the basketball usual. The intramurals started from the Mr. and Mrs. Physique, then the cheer dance and then the sport events, from the start the teams are very energetic to cheer their own team. In  the morning we thought that basketball would be in the afternoon and our opponent is the “Blue Porsche” but it was moved and our opponent became the “Green Chevrolet” and fortunately we won against them. After the game all the players are exhausted and they are very red due to the time we where under the sun and after that we watch other events and we enjoyed it. In the afternoon of the first day they called me to join the tug of war because they lack players and we got 3rd place in that event.
                In the second day it started with other events and before we play the Sophomore and the Freshmen have their games for the race in 3rd place for basketball and the Sophomores won. After their game it is our game and we are nervous because we will be facing the seniors and when we are first year they already defeat us but we still have the spirit to fight. The seniors lack two players because Marcus and Kim took the exam in La Salle I think, and we also lack one player because Michael is sleeping in their room J. In the start of the game we have a unlucky turn because every pass to Euler he is always making a shot but he can’t  make it and I think that is 3 shots but none of these go though the basket. In the end of the 1st quarter the seniors are leading by 4 and in the start of the 2nd quarter we have a good start but in the end we still fail to catch up to them and they are know leading by 5 points. In the 3rd quarter we tried to catch up with them and we slightly achieve it. And in the start of the 4th quarter we are all nervous because the points are just near to each other and in the last minute we thought that we will lose but fortunately it’s a tie and there is an over time. In the over time there are many injuries and I am the one of them and the most serious because I have a sprain because me and Robert Santos tried to get the rebound and he accidentally bump me in  the air and I lose my balance and when I landed my foot land by it’s side, but after all of that the RED FERRARI got the 1st place in basketball boys. After that I am almost 3 hours inside the clinic because of my injury and I don’t know what is happening outside but it is not boring inside the clinic because Ralph and my other teammates are there and we are chatting to each other. Before I went out the clinic that there is a new sports in the intrams and that is called “Agawan Buko” and when I went out I saw the girls playing basketball and I had I fun of it because they are like playing wrestling with the ball (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!).
                I think all of the students enjoy the intrams of our school because we are refrain to books but with corresponding grades.

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