Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Role Playing Games = ME!

 Each of us has different interest in life because we are different in each other we differ in things that we do well. We spend time in our interest maybe because we excel in this activity or thing. We have different interest for us having different talents. Interest is the thing where we spend our time or let our feelings out in this activity.
My interest is playing RPG or Role Playing Games. There are many RPG available in the net to be downloaded I have try many games like Gunz, Cabal, Ran, Special Force, Point Blank, Ragnarok, RF, and other but among those games that I already played I really enjoy is Ran Online. I am playing Ran Online since when I was in my grade four level my cousins introduce this game to me. I love playing this game because I can let my feelings out in this game and I meet new friends in this game but lately I am playing this game not that too much because I need to focus in my study. I also love playing this game because our guild or clan “Ranatic-TV” is the one who is making the videos for this game, our last video shoot is for  the mother’s day. I enjoy playing this with my friends and cousin because we have a combination in this game and we can easily defeat our opponents. 
                Interest is things we should enjoy but there should be limitations for these things. We should think of the product if we do these things if these will be good to us and to others or be bad to us. We are different to each other so we have different interest; we should respect and understand each other because in this difference one can fill one’s needs.

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