Tuesday, January 3, 2012

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!!!!

            The quote "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going." means that we need to be strong to survive and the strong ones only will survive this world. We need to be strong in times we are down. We need to hold on even we are in the middle of something hard.

            Sometimes I also need to be strong here is an instance where did I apply this quote: when my grandmother die I need to be strong. Even we are not that close I feel very down because when she is alive I can feel that she love us and will never let us down. When she die our whole family is down and we need to be strong to overcome this tragedy. I just think that what will the tears do it can't give my grandmother back so I just think positive and look at the bright side.

             Even my grandma die she didn't let us suffer. She die in US because she was hit  by a government vehicle and a case was file and we won the case and a amount of money is given to our family. Now our whole family are now in good standing in life. I think even she die she didn't left us very down but until her death she support our family.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Math Festival of CNSHS

                Math Festival is one of the events in the school it is handles by the math club. They had many events held. In short it was a successful event. They host the event very fine. Their events are very fun.

                Here is what happened last math fest. In the morning we had the introduction of the King and Queen of the Science world which I should be joining but my parents didn’t allow me. After that they had introduce the Mr. and Ms. Sipnayan which my classmate JAM participated. In the after noon they had the jingle and the Mr. and Ms. Sipnayan talent portion and the 3rd year representative had duet. After that they had voting and while the voting is going on the “Singing Mathematician” was held. After all the events we had the awarding ceremony the junior had award but not all hahaha. Our Mr. Sipnayan Michael gather almost all of the awards except for the most popular while our Ms. Sipnayan Joanna had a close match with the 4th year representative, Michael won but unfortunately Jam didn’t but its alright its part of our life J.

                The math festival is very fun. And I really like the photo booth but I didn’t have the chance to have a picture their because I am shy. But all the events of the math fest was really enjoying!!

Its so Good to be True!!!!

My Beloved LOVE!

          The shepherd’s love for you is very deep because he offers many things for you just to go with him, but this promises are like lies. The promises of  the shepherd for you are very hard to achieve or nearly impossible.

          If I have a chance to be your suitor I will not promise anything to you. I will just do my best to impress you. I will be true to you, I will show you my true personality and my true social standing. I will not tell lies to you just to be impress. Even we don’t live in a mansion, big land and we don’t have too much properties I promise that we will live happy and enjoying life.

          Lies don’t enhance our relationship to other but destroy it. We should be true to others and specially to our selves to fulfill our dream and not to hurt the feeling of others.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


                Last November 11, 2011 we had our field trip. This event is very exciting because it is just once a year. This is the most awaited event in school because it let the students relax and have a bonding with their classmates and discover new things.

                I think all the students enjoyed the field trip.  But some students did not go because they said that it would be corny because of the destinations like MOA but for me it’s not because I am not with the place I am with the bonding with my classmates and friends.

                This is how our field trip goes. First we go science discovery at MOA and something funny occurred there because at the bus before we travel we smell something bad and when we arrive it smells again and some of our classmate are laughing and they are pointing anyone and when we discover it, one of us step on a poop when we are in Maragodon(hahahaha!). Our second destination is the myth of the human body, it is fun their because I learn many things but it is something gross because they use real human body as specimen. Third we head to the Kulturang Pinoy I really enjoy that destination because we had a warm welcome and we had much fun and most of all THEY LET ME DANCE!!! GRRR!! (hahaha!!). Our fourth destination should be Rizal lights and sound but it is under renovation so I am a little disappointed but it is alright and we head to Luneta but me and my classmates did not go any more. Our last destination is MOA, we enjoy it but we are very tired because we still head to the bus that is very far just to put something their I think we walked  for 45 minutes, but all in all I enjoyed it!!

                Our field trip is very fun and exciting. And we had a bonding with our classmates!

Bonifacio a Hero

He is a hero,
fight for our independence.
Died with his bolo. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Teacher, My Hero

                 Teachers are the second parents of the students; they take the role of the parents of the students when we start entering the school. Teachers have a big responsibility that they have to do but despite of that they still do their task even sometimes their feelings are hurt. They sacrifice their time to take their responsibility to us.

                I would like to thank all of my teachers for being a good mentor, for teaching us to be straight and luring us away from harm. I want to thank them also for being patient to us even we are very naughty and sometimes hurt their feelings. I want to say that even we don’t study our lessons we still appreciate their teachings because without them we can’t achieve our ambitions. I also want to thank them for training us for the future and helping us to enhance us our skills and talents. I also want to say sorry because of my attitude and my irresponsibility. Sorry for hurting your feelings, for not studying my lessons, for being lazy, and for not paying attention during discussions.

                We should respect, love and give care to our teachers, they our mentor. They should be given a high respect because they take a very big responsibility in our society. TECHERS ARE THE NEW HEROES OF OUR TIME!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NCAE!! :">

                 Last September 23, 2011 we had our National Career Assessment Examination or so called NCAE, it is done to know what course is suited for the students that will go to college but this doesn’t demand any students to get the course that they are good but this is only guiding the students to what course what they will take.

                When are about to take the exam I am excited because I am curious what course is suitable for me. We started with the exam I am serious because this will assess what course what course is suitable for me. I have hard time answering the logical thingy because each number has an essay to read and it is too long and I am getting bored about it. I enjoy answer the Math, Science and entrepreneurial part because I can answer them easily.
                I think this NCAE will really help the students because they will not a hard time in thinking what the course that they will take. For me this is an advantage for me because it will help me to choose a course. This will also help us to know what subject that we will be focus.